A funny thing has happened to Vaddio ever since we announced our
EasyUSB products, people have started to call us a video
conferencing company. We first started hearing it in Vegas at the
"Future of Video Conferencing" seminar that Elliot Gold has done for
years. Since then it has gone from a couple of comments to a daily
occurrence. In fact, Sally Blank, our international channel manager,
was in Australia at a show with our local distributor and the local
Polycom rep called her a competitor and wanted her to compare
specs. She was dumbfounded and didn't even know how to address
such a crazy idea that Vaddio could be a video conferencing vendor.
Well I am here to tell you that "We are not a Video Conferencing
Company" Damn It!!! We have been called all kinds of sleazy, low
down, nasty, dirty things over the course of Vaddio's history, but a
video conferencing manufacturer? Come on now, everyone knows
that we are that cute little camera company in Minnesota that makes
cameras and camera control systems. We believe in Peace & Love
and a healthy serving of granola every day and as a result we play
well with all manufacturers of PTZ cameras systems. Our PTZ
cameras are designed be used with any video conferencing system
and we LOVE them all equally.
So here is my confusion, everyone knows that a video conferencing
manufacturer sells codecs, you know those little black boxes that cost
a pile of cash to purchase and then another pile of cash to maintain.
The same black boxes that have a planned obsolescence life cycle
that started the moment you bought yours and installed it. And don't
get me started about integrating the black box because the black box
does not play well with others, PERIOD. They would much rather
have you use their control systems, their cameras, their microphones,
carts, mixers, cables, batteries and any other office products that they
can sell you in the room. For years now, since the early days of CLI
and PictureTel video conferencing, manufacturers have been telling
us that the black boxes rule and the rest of the AV industry should
just drool over them. And if we are really lucky and willing to fork over
bushels of hard cash they just might make us a dealer providing we
pledge our first born child and all control over sales to our customers.
Well, if Vaddio really is a video conferencing company then show me
the box, you know, that little black Vaddio codec box. I hate to
disappoint you but you will not find one. Nope, there is not one to be
found anywhere. Ok, I have one disclaimer "I did own a black box in
the 70's that I used for rolling papers & a herbal substance but I didn't
inhale". Outside of that we are clean, none to be found anywhere. So
if we aren't the "Next Big Thing" well then what is? I think it is PC's.
Personal Computers, you know those things we all love to hate but
heaven help us if they ever go down. Computers are the "Next Big
Thing" in AV, they create our content, their networks distribute that
content, and we watch that content on them. Broadcasting has seen
firsthand what the power of a PC can do to change a industry, from
production to post everything, is designed for a PC work flow and
what use to be very expensive black boxes are now a software
applications running on PCs. So if broadcasting changed to a PC
centric world, what's to say that AV doesn't do the same. My friends, I
believe that those tail lights that are passing us by right now as we
breathe it's green carbon neutral smoke are the PC applications that
our customers are running and you know they will not slow down just
because we don't understand them.
Since the demise of film and the birth of Power Point our industry has
always been driven by the content that our customers adopt and then
want to present, Hardware video conferencing which at one time was
very complex and difficult at best, is now being replaced by these
warm, fuzzy, easy to use soft codecs that happen to be free in a lot of
cases. Free has always had a big impact on customer adoption just
ask YouTube what free has meant for web based video content. In
an interesting parallel between YouTube and soft codecs, the big dig
on YouTube early on was that the video quality would never be good
enough for corporate America. Go ahead and try to find a US
Corporation that is NOT on YouTube these days.
So let's get back to talking about my favorite subject, Vaddio. We
have always been a customer focused company that only builds what
our customers want to buy. Our customers for the last two years have
been asking us for a HD USB PTZ camera that they could use with
these new soft codecs. They wanted it to be broadcast quality and
have all of the normal inputs and outputs and control capabilities that
a professional AV product would have. So we did just that, we built an
HD USB PTZ camera that they integrate into their soft codec room
designs. At the same time we were developing the camera we
realized that the quality of USB microphones was ok for a desktop but
not at all good enough for a room system. This led us to develop a
true USB microphone system. Not a speakerphone with a USB jack,
but a high quality WideBand echo cancelling microphone system that
has discreet microphones and two twenty watt amps to drive
whatever speakers the integrator desires for that project.
We also upped the ante with the AV Bridge, which was designed for
those integrators that REALLY want to integrate. Now the integrator
can choose all of the equipment they want to use from any
manufacture they like. The AV Bridge takes the Video & Audio
outputs of those glorious AV devices of your choosing and encodes
them into a USB stream that you can plug into the computer of your
choosing. And in addition to AV inputs there is a control port (both RS232 & Ethernet) so you can use your favorite Crestron control system
with it as well.
Well, I hope I have pleaded our case that Vaddio is not a video
conferencing vendor, but we are still just that cute little camera
company in Minnesota that makes cameras and camera control